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And Now Some Optimism About Your Finances After Divorce


Here is an exercise in Southern charm for you.  Try to find something nice to say about how divorce has affected your finances.  Remember that joke about the Southern Belle who bragged that her Daddy sent her to charm school so she could say, “That’s nice” instead of a string of expletives?  If you are recently divorced, you would have to be the valedictorian of your charm school class, bedecked with multiple pageant crowns, to be able to think of anything polite or pleasant to say about your ex taking a hefty portion of your marital property and you having to refinance the mortgage on a single income.  Being optimistic about your finances requires more than just charm; instead, it takes strategy.  You might feel broke a year after your divorce becomes final, but ten years down the road, your financial situation will be entirely because of you and not because of your ex.  There are no guarantees about how much money you have, but a true Southern Belle like you knows how to live your best life on any budget.  For help gaining perspective about the effect of divorce on your finances, contact a Birmingham divorce lawyer.

Your Ex Can No Longer Break Your Stride When It Comes to Saving Your Pennies or Living It Up

Finances are at least part of the problem in almost every divorce.  If your ex was inconsiderate enough to have an extramarital affair, for example, the chances are great that he also did not respect your point of view when it came to money.  Perhaps being frugal was your hobby, whereas impulse purchases, whether in the form of expensive toys like boats and power tools or in the form of dining and travel, were what your ex did for fun.  If that is the case, you probably ended your marriage in the red, and the court probably awarded some of the marital debt to you.  Once you pay it off, though, your ex can no longer splurge away your hard-earned money, and if you stick to your frugal ways, you will see your savings grow.

On the other hand, if your spouse was controlling about money, your financial circumstances during marriage may have been good, but money is no substitute for the freedom to make your own decisions.  Now that you are divorced, you might need to downgrade your lifestyle.  A modest lifestyle is a small price to pay, though.  You are free of your ex’s control, and you can enjoy buying yourself treats that you can afford, however small they might be.

In other words, the financial stress of divorce is temporary.  Soon, your finances will belong to you alone, and that is more important than the number on your bank statement.

Contact Peeples Law About Divorce and Your Finances

A Birmingham family law attorney can help you plan to live your best life on a single income.  Contact Peeples Law today to schedule a consultation.



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