Category Archives: Child Support

When Can The Courts Deviate From The Child Support Guidelines?
Most aspects of divorce cases are individual to the couple, and you have more control over them than you might realize. For example, Alabama’s equitable distribution laws make it so that, if your divorce case goes to trial, the judge decides on a case-by-case basis how to divide your marital property and, if you… Read More »

How Much Of A Problem Is It If You Do Not Follow The Parenting Plan To The Letter?
On the one hand, a parenting plan can be a relief. During your marriage, you tried everything to get your ex to stop flaking on your plans, but nothing worked. A court-ordered parenting plan could be just what you need to stop the constant lateness and last-minute changes of plans. Your anger is not… Read More »

Does Changing Your Parenting Plan Affect Your Child Support Obligations?
The possibilities are endless when it comes to customizing your parenting plan, but no matter how carefully you craft your unique parenting plan to suit your unique family, life brings plenty of surprises. You might need to change your parenting plan because of changes to your work or family obligations, or even because your… Read More »

Calculating Child Support In Alabama Is Simple, Until It Isn’t
Child support is often one of the most contentious issues in a divorce case. Only the pettiest people are still bitter, 20 years after their divorce has become final, about the fact that the court let their ex-spouse keep the dining table, but even the most generous and least materialistic people can easily hold… Read More »

Does Entrepreneurship Count As Being Voluntarily Underemployed?
Even in the best-case scenario, it takes a while before a new small business becomes profitable. Sometimes a business owner will, in the same breath, project optimism about the future of the new business and ask you for a loan to help get through the next few weeks. The financial instability associated with entrepreneurship… Read More »

Speak Up If You Cannot Pay Your Court-Ordered Child Support
Child support obligations are serious business. If the court orders you to pay child support, you cannot simply ignore the court order and wait for the statute of limitations to run out. Some people keep making payments on their child support obligations until the children are well into their 20s; the idea is that,… Read More »

Understanding Post-Minority Support In Alabama Law
Many divorced parents look forward to the day that their child graduates from high school, because it means no more arguing with their ex-spouse over child support payments. Once your children reach adulthood, your long, painful breakup with your ex is finally over. Of course, everyone knows that young adults do not become financially… Read More »

Be Proactive To Avoid Draconian Punishments For Unpaid Child Support
Most of the threats that divorcing spouses make are empty. Your ex can’t get the court to take away your parenting time just by saying bad things about you to the judge; if anything, this will make the judge want to give you more parenting time. Your ex cannot impoverish you, because Alabama’s equitable… Read More »

Retroactive Child Support In Alabama
It is certainly disturbing to receive a letter from the court, asking you to pay child support for a child you have not seen in years, or worse, to take a DNA paternity test, and to pay child support if it turns out that you are the child’s genetic father. Perhaps you fathered the… Read More »

How To Stop Children’s Expenses From Being A Constant Source Of Conflict When Co-Parenting
The level of conflict and animosity involved in divorce and co-parenting varies widely from one couple to another. In some cases, you might not see your ex-spouse’s worst side until your divorce is already final and your ex is jealous of how well you and your children seem to be getting along as a… Read More »