Category Archives: Divorce

How Bad Is The Financial Crisis Of A Pending Divorce?
The loneliness and lean times of being divorced have nothing on the chaos of living through a divorce while it is going on. As bitter as you might be about your ex-spouse’s actions years later, it is even worse when the pain is raw, when your ex is telling bald-faced lies about you in… Read More »

Don’t Worry If You Missed The Boat On Divorce Monday
While the rest of the world is humblebragging about their New Year’s resolutions on social media, you are feeling stuck. Your cousin is changing her diet from vegan to raw foods vegan, and your coworker who competed in a triathlon last year has resolved to compete in two triathlons this year. As for you,… Read More »

Going Your Separate Ways In Your Golden Years
If trends continue in their current direction, gray divorce will be the only kind of divorce there is. The age at first marriage is increasing, and fewer young people are getting married. Some members of the young generation want to keep their friends close and their finances separate, even going so far as to… Read More »

Divorcing Your Spouse’s Family Business
Once a family business stays in the family for multiple generations, inevitably some of the family members who have participated in it are each other’s relatives by marriage. Perhaps you were married for such a long time, working in your spouse’s family business alongside your in-laws, that you stopped keeping track of who made… Read More »

How Do Personal Injury Settlements Affect Equitable Distribution In Divorce?
People exchange marriage vows in which they promise to remain together in sickness and in health and in poverty or in prosperity, but physical and financial hardships put more strain on marital relationships than most newlyweds realize. You don’t know how a chronic illness or a situation where one spouse must leave the workforce… Read More »

Does Keeping Your Finances Separate During Your Marriage Simplify Your Divorce?
Some couples insist that the secret to the longevity of their marriages is maintaining separate bank accounts. This way they don’t have to fight about money or resent each other for making impulse purchases or vetoing each other’s splurge wishes. It is also why some couples sign prenuptial agreements in which they agree to… Read More »

Selling The Marital Home After Divorce Is As Unpleasant As It Sounds
Listing your house for sale and preparing to move out is stressful no matter the circumstances, even if you are doing it so that you can move on to a happy new chapter of your life, such as a spacious house where each of your children can have his or her own bedroom, or… Read More »

Which Financial Transactions Are Off-Limits While Your Divorce Case Is Pending?
Divorce can be an escape from a marriage plagued by conflicts about money. Unfortunately, things sometimes get worse before they get better. In the simpler cases, you can resolve the problem through a few frank discussions with your divorce lawyer, followed by mediation sessions where your lawyer negotiates with your spouse’s lawyer, since it… Read More »

Does The Duration Of Your Marriage Affect Equitable Distribution?
If you go to a consultation with a divorce lawyer after receiving a surprising divorce petition from your spouse and anxiously asking the lawyer whether your ex will keep half of your marital property, it is hardly comforting if the lawyer says, “it depends,” but it is the truth. Alabama is an equitable distribution… Read More »

And Now Some Optimism About Your Finances After Divorce
Here is an exercise in Southern charm for you. Try to find something nice to say about how divorce has affected your finances. Remember that joke about the Southern Belle who bragged that her Daddy sent her to charm school so she could say, “That’s nice” instead of a string of expletives? If you… Read More »