Category Archives: Legal Separation

Legal Separation
In the past, people used to list their relationship status on Facebook as single, in a relationship, married, and “it’s complicated.” These relationship statuses depended entirely on one’s own perception of the relationship; it is possible that one member of an on-again off-again couple might describe her relationship status as “in a relationship” while… Read More »

Is Legal Separation Right For You?
It is always a red flag when you start dating someone who claims to be separated but not divorced, because the definition of “separated” is just too imprecise. Has the new beau filed for divorce from his wife? Do they live in separate households? If he sleeps in the basement while she stays in… Read More »

Legal Separations And Alabama Law
According to Alabama law, marriages can end when one spouse dies or when the court issues an order of dissolution of marriage (also known as divorce) or annulment. Each of these is much more final than any of the things we refer to as spouses being separated. In practice, married couples do not always… Read More »