How Bad Is The Financial Crisis Of A Pending Divorce?

The loneliness and lean times of being divorced have nothing on the chaos of living through a divorce while it is going on. As bitter as you might be about your ex-spouse’s actions years later, it is even worse when the pain is raw, when your ex is telling bald-faced lies about you in court and spending tons of money that your ex claims doesn’t exist. The court can order one spouse in a pending divorce case to pay temporary alimony or child support to the other. In fact, pendente lite alimony awards, the kind that are in effect while a divorce case is ongoing and automatically terminate when the divorce becomes final, are the most common type of alimony award in Alabama. It is usually possible to divide the marital property, when finalizing the divorce, in such a way that the former spouses can be financially independent of each other and neither spouse must pay periodic alimony. Despite this, some spouses adopt a scorched earth policy when they separate, and one spouse tries to ruin the other’s finances, even if the couple is financially well off and there is plenty of money to go around. If your spouse cut off your access to marital funds when you filed for divorce, and this has plunged you into financial hardship, contact a Birmingham divorce lawyer.
Husband Lives Large While Accusing Wife of Shacking Up
An Alabama couple divorced after 18 years of marriage; their two children were minors at the time of the divorce. They were usually financially well off during their marriage; they had to change careers after the 2008 housing market crisis, but they got through it. They could afford to hire a housekeeper, and the wife frequently got her hair and nails done at the salon. Their new career involved buying and managing cemeteries; the husband was involved in all aspects of the business, sometimes even including digging graves, while the wife handled the accounting. A year before they separated, they bought a cemetery that had gone bankrupt, funding the purchase mostly through the wife’s tax refund check and other assets belonging to the wife.
When the parties filed for divorce, everything turned to chaos. The husband fired the wife from her job at the cemetery. Eventually, the wife petitioned the court to order temporary alimony, and it did, but he did not pay, claiming that he did not owe temporary alimony because the wife was living with her boyfriend. Meanwhile, he spent more than $200,000 at casinos within a year. The trial court did not make findings about whether the wife was living with her boyfriend; she did testify that she did not begin dating until after the parties filed for divorce. In summary, divorce is a mess while it is going on.
Contact Peeples Law About Temporary Alimony
A Birmingham family law attorney can help you if your spouse cut you off financially after you filed for divorce. Contact Peeples Law today to schedule a consultation.